Welcome you to the “Garden
of Grace and Awareness”
An universal garden of Loving Soul, Peace, Bliss and Awareness Unity!
At dawn, flowers spread their perfume out the fresh breeze to the Divine, as an offering.
The trees wake up smiling with the Sun blessing, as a prayer for Peace. Come and discover the forest beauty, let you bewitched by the flowers fragrance.
At dawn, birds sing, animals seek food. Men start their daily task, as the Sun from the Creation, with the same life cycle around the Earth, never fails in this daily routine, till the sunset.
Sun, Moon, Stars, Oceans, Forests may instruct Humanity how to live a collective life and awareness unity. This means: Man to man Unity, soul to soul, in a purity state. The religions are numerous but with the same Source, One God (Omniscience), One Humanity and One Earth.
If one man suffers for illness, starvation, if one man is homeless, without cloth, medicine, school or job, nobody on earth could be really happy. Nothing to say but a lot to realize. Accomplishment is a duty for everyone. To accomplish Unity, Purity, Divinity in Oneself.
Be aware of One World, One Humanity, One God for All. So is the vision of the Cosmic Era Wise. All of us have to live in Harmony!
Why so many conflicts, wars, terrors collapse and ruin Humanity? We certainly can live without fear and terror. We can live together and help one another as brothers, sisters and bosom friends in the Universal Unity of Humanity with Love and Peace, Self-respect and Compassion, throwing selfishness out our heart.
Let the Divine, in the Lotus of our heart arise from his Divine energy (Shakti), and awareness will change the dark side of our heart into Divine Conscience for the well-being, the prosperity of each and all.
To see and to refuse from our heart a divided humanity stopping human progress, by unhinging Humanity through the demoniac powers of selfishness, jealousy, vanity, self-centering.
We do live in a world of human blood vampires. We must live in Unity and transform this diabolic spirit into a Divine Spirit, avoiding an inner mental fight destroying the beauty in our life.
This Universal Garden of Grace and Awareness is helping us in this way, representing one World, one Humanity. Let the Divine grace spread over our mind, to be purified and change the best of our heart in Divine Love. God is Love and Kindness, He loves all creatures.
Humanity has to re-earn Her Unity. Without Unity, no Peace anywhere!
Look around us, the War is everywhere: Psychological war, Religions war, Political war, all around Our World.
So, this garden is opened for all Humanity, nations, without border of religions, dogmas or doctrines, spoiling and polluting the Human Spirit:
To be aware and to offer an alternative at the future generations to live in harmony and equality the ones with the others, to enjoy Peace during our short passing through Earth.
No sect, no Guru, no religious conflict, no showbiz politic.
You are all welcome in every respect to this amphitheatre of all Religions, Philosophers, Psychologists, Thinkers, Poets, Writers, Historians, Scientists.
The Harmony symphony is:
H | as | Harmony of the Men | ||
A | as | Art and Beauty Harmony | ||
R | as | Religions and Races Harmony | ||
M | as | Manners of Being Harmony | ||
O | as | Orient and Occident Harmony | ||
N | as | Nations and Neutrality Harmony | ||
Y | as | Yogis and Yoga's Harmony | ||
S. Ram Bharati message, written in 2002 at Kancheepuram |
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