ASSA Europa
ASSA Switzerland
Association Paix pour Tous (Association Peace for All)
The Association transmits the message of Peace, Love, Unity, Divinity, Purity
according to the Hymn to Peace of Dr. Shuddhananda Bharati
Peace Anthem
Peace for
all, peace for all
For all the countries peace
Joy for all, joy for all
For all the nations joy
A rosy morning peace
A smiling summer joy
(Peace for all)
All for each
and each for all
This is the golden rule
Life and Light and Love for all
For all that live our love
(Peace for all)
Work and
food and clothes for all
Equal status for all
Health and home and school
for all
A happy world for all
(Peace for all)
No idle
rich, no more beggars
All are equal workers
No more tears, no more fears
The heart is full of cheers
(Peace for all)
No atom
scare, no fat mammon
No room for war demon
Like leaves in trees, like rays
in the sun
We are one communion,
One Divine communion
(Peace for
The good in
you is good for all
Your life is life for all
The God in you is God for
Your love is love for all
(Peace for all)
For he or
she or it or rest
This collective life is best
This Universal Life is best
North or South, or East or West
(Peace for all)
Peace for
plants and birds and beasts
For hills and streams and woods
Peace in Home
- land and air and sea
Dynamic peace we see
Peace for all, peace for all
Immortal Peace for All
Kavi Yogi Dr. Shuddhananda Bharati
Peace for All (Association Paix pour Tous)
La Frêtaz 2 - 1453 Bullet - Suisse
Mobil phone : +41 (0) 79 300 01 20
Phone : +41 (0) 24 454 47 07
Fax : +41 (0) 24 454 47 77
Web :
Email :
© Association Paix pour Tous (Association Peace for All) - All rights reserved